As one of the most professional HDD mud recycling system in China, we can design and produce mud cleaning & mixing unit with different treating capacity as 200gpm, 350gpm, 400 gpm, 500gpm, 600gpm, 800gpm, 1000gpm, 1500gpm, also we can provide customized design mud recycling system as per client’s requirement. Below is the 200gpm mud system photo we shipped recently to our HDD industry client.

The working process is as below:
The submersible slurry pump pick up the used drilling fluids from the waste pit to desilter with double deck shale shaker: the first phase is bottom deck shale shaker to separate coarse solids so that the drilling fluids can be feed to desilter cone properly. The centrifugal pump feed the clean drilling fluids to desilter cone to separate fine solids with cut point 2~5 microns, the clean drilling fluids drop down into the mud tank, the user can add powder chemicals into the venturi hopper, the mixing pump provide proper pressure to help mixing evenly. The clean fluids are ready for recycling in the mixing compartment. The mud agitator and mud gun are agitating the fluids to prevent the solids suspension in the tank bottom.

The technical configuration is as below:
1) 1 unit of GNZY753F-Y4N mud cleaner ( double deck shale shaker + desilter cone), all the shaker screen installed on the mud cleaner is composite material shaker screen, the desilter cone is 100% polyurethane material with better wear resistance material.
2) 1 unit of feeding pump
3) 1 unit of mixing pump
4) 1 unit of mixing hopper
5) 1 unit of 2 inch mud gun
6) 1 set of mud tank with tank accessories, with electrical control system and lightings
Another unit of 200gpm mud system under production for the same client, last year they purchased 3 sets of 600gpm mud system.