Recently GN solids control shipped one set of oil and water separation package for China Oilfield Service company. The technical configuration is as below:

1) 2 phase decanter centrifuge to separate fine solids from fluids
2) Screw pump to feed the crude oil / oil sludge to decanter centrifuge
3) 3 phase centrifuge ( disc centrifuge) to separator oil from water, by adding proper chemicals, the recovered oil can be with BS & W below 3%, which can be accepted by most users.
4) Diaphragm pump to feed the clean fluids discharged from decanter centrifuge to disc centrifuge
5) Buffer storage tank for oil and water with oil pump and water pump, 2 liquid level meters are installed on each tank, when the oil or water level reached the setting level, the oil pump and water pump will pump the oil and water to the big storage tank
6) Package skid, all the above mentioned items sit on one skid for convenient transportation and operation

This is one modular of the oil sludge separation system, the complete oil sludge treatment system including waste pick up pump ( normally we used vacuum pump), Pre-mixing tank modular, screen modular to separate coarse solids, chemical dosing system, and the last modular is 3 phase separation package.
The pre-mixing tank is the most important part, when the solids content is higher than 30%, the waste oil sludge should be diluted by proper fluids and low the solids content below 30%, if necessary, the demulsifier should be added by this process for easier separation for the next phase separation. The mud agitator is agitating the oil sludge with chemical mixing evenly and the submersible slurry pump will transfer the fluids to screen modular to separate the coarse solids.
For more information, pls contact with GN solids control.